A more diverse UX Sisters

All good (heck — great, amazing, irreplaceable) things must come to an end. This even applies to the UXSisters’ reign at HubSpot. Well, not entirely.

I’ve wrapped up my role as a UX Researcher at HubSpot and am moving on to get user research started at Wistia — another Cambridge software company. When I announced my departure, everyone’s first question was “What will happen to the UXSisters?”

Rachel and I both sincerely believe that if anything, the UXSisters will only get stronger — being able to write about more diverse experiences and working to learn from each other.

So, don’t fret dear readers, the UXSisters are here.

Til UX do us part.



the ux sisters

the artists formerly known as the ux sisters (rachel decker + molly wolfberg swarttz)